Nothing matches video for creating truely eye-catching marketing for properties. Video offers endless stylistic choices and the chance to create stunning visuals that can be easily shared online.
Videos can quickly convey huge amounts of information, letting viewers undertand not only the layout and condition of the property but also the surrounding area. With commercial units this can be important because it gives you a chance to show the neighbouring units and the footfall on the streets around the unit. You can also show it’s position in relation to nearby places of importance. Drone shots in particular allow viewers to understand the location of a property in visually stunning shots.
Motion graphics, voice overs or presenters can also add even more facts and figures in an entertaining and easy to understand way. Motion graphics in particular can also help to style the video to match your corporate branding. Sales agents or architects can also host video, appearing on camera either at a property or in their office, giving key information and establishing themselves and their role to the viewer.